Open Class Flower Show at the Porter County Fair
Thursday, July 18 - Saturday, July 27, 2024
PLEASE NOTE: The Open Class Flower Show is open to all amateur gardeners in and outside of Porter County!
Our county’s suburban areas may be growing, but you can recapture the beauty of those good old bright and sunny country days when you enter your garden’s best in the Porter County Fair Open Class Flower Show.
It’s easier than you think to participate, and once you’ve entered, you’ll be hooked for summers to come.
The Open Class Flower Show is open to all amateur gardeners in and outside Porter County and features classes from roses to petunias, trees to fresh arrangements. Advance registration is not needed. Entries may be submitted from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on three separate days: Thursday July 18, Monday July 22 and Thursday July 25. Judges may award 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places, and Honorable Mentions stickers for each class. We even award Best of Class and Best of Show for each day!
Premiums by award are:
1st Place: $8.00
2nd Place: $7.00
3rd Place: $6.00
Click here for a printable copy of the complete competition rules: 2024 FAIR BOOK
Printed books may also be available at the Porter County Extension office. Please contact the extension office for hours and availability.
View 2023 winners by clicking on the Winning Entries columns in orange below.
Thursday, July 18
Miniature Design
Standard Design
Bulbs, Tubers and Rhizomes
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Each Day of Competition
On each day of competition, additional entries are accepted - two for the class open that day, and one not in the class open that day. They are:
Any Other Worthy Specimen
Bouquet of 5 Different Specimans (Must be in a clear vase)
Catchall - Any entry that does not belong in the class open that day (Not eligible for a top award)
Ask a Master Gardener Booth at the Porter County Fair
We can find answers to your questions at our Ask a Master Gardener Booth at the Porter County Fair, during Earth Day, and at other horticultural events across the county.