Tovah Martin Speaks Saturday, January 22, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. CST (Chicago time)

Why Tovah? Why now? Because since the Covid pandemic began, houseplants have been flying off the shelves and into people’s homes in record numbers! New “pandemic plant parents” may need a little guidance and reassurance. Also a little sympathy if a death occurs in the . . . green house. Or one’s green thumb isn’t as green as hoped or imagined.

Tovah Martin has written three books about houseplants. So consider her your rescue plant doctor, i.e., horticulturalist.

Here’s how she describes “Houseplants by Design: Adding Plants to your Décor”

“You want houseplants, you need houseplants – but do you really utilize houseplants to their fullest potential? In this virtual lecture filled with photos and inspiration from my own massive collection of houseplants, we explore some of the easiest, most rewarding houseplants appropriate for all types of home situations and varying window exposures. We talk about what to grow where and how to host houseplants.

“But we also add another layer. Beyond your usual practical presentation, here’s ideas for profiling your plants beautifully and artistically. Your houseplants could be so much more than just the green blob in the corner. We talk about design principles and how they relate to houseplants. We discuss ways to pair houseplants and profile them meaningfully to work with your décor. We present containers that really make your houseplants shine with personality. And of course, we tell you exactly how to host and care for houseplants so they work for you. Your habitat needs houseplants—why not do it with panache?”

This presentation will occur one time only, so you will want to tune in and be prepared to ask questions. Tovah enjoys interacting with her audience and answering their questions.

There is no cost to register for this event and it will NOT be recorded. Your only opportunity to hear it is to tune in live on Saturday, January 22 at 10 AM Central time. The registration deadline is 6:00 p.m. CST (Chicago time) Friday, January 21, 2022. To register, please click here.